Logos and Artwork

You may download the Missouri Lottery logos and artwork located here for use in articles and other news. Please use the following guidelines when using any of these materials.

Logo Use

Lottery corporate and game logos are registered trademarks and/or service marks. They may be used with written permission from the Missouri Lottery. If you need a logo version other than the ones provided on this page, contact us and we will mail you an EPS file.


Some photographs are available for reproduction. Please contact the Missouri Lottery at (573) 751-4050 to inquire about use and availability of photos. Photos will be provided via e-mail as high-resolution JPEG files.

Web Use

As a service to your business, we offer businesses and organizations the opportunity to add the Lottery's logo to your Web site. These logos are provided in .GIF format.
If you have any questions regarding these specifications or the logos provided on this Web page, please contact the Missouri Lottery at (573) 751-4050.

Downloadable Materials